Preparation and Use of Preformed Polymer Gel as Water Control Agent for Fractured Reservoir 两次成胶的聚合物凝胶堵剂的研制及应用
Study on preparation technology of flame retardant of red phosphorus coated by urea-formaldehyde resin I.Synthetic condition of preformed polymer 脲醛树脂微胶囊包覆红磷阻燃剂制备工艺的研究Ⅰ.预聚物合成工艺研究
Up to now, there are three ways to prepare magnetic polymer microspheres: ( 1) Encapsulation of magnetic particles with preformed natural or synthetic polymers is the simple and classical method to prepare magnetic polymer microspheres; 迄今为止,这些结构产物制备方法一般有三种:一种是通过天然或合成高分子包裹磁性无机粒子获得磁性聚合物复合微球,它是制备磁性聚合物微球较早的一类方法;
Experiments proved the main factors influence the quality of preformed polymer are the first ratio of formaldehyde to urea, the second ratio of formaldehyde to urea, reaction temperature and pH value. 实验表明影响预聚物质量的主要因素是第一阶段尿醛比(F/U)1,第二阶段尿醛比(F/U)2,反应温度和pH值。